There are some faces that inspired characters in Unwritten. In most instances I have a role already cast in my head before the character is on paper.
Can you guess any others? These are the few I’ve admitted to. If you’re not familiar with these actors, go look them up on
Noah Wheaton- Noah Wyle
John Wheaton- John Allen Nelson (Met him in my hometown way back when he was saving lives on Baywatch. I sent him a copy of the book after publication.)
Sonny Blaine – Mark Harmon (I met Mark in Okalahoma City, OK, in May 2008. [Thank you, Jerry Swink.] I was there for my first big book signing, out of state, for Unwritten. He’s very unassuming, atypical Hollywood, polite, always thinking of others, and great baseball player. If you click on his name, in red, you’ll see some of the photos I took at the Bomber’s game. Mark left OKC with a copy of Unwritten.)
Jack Madison- Muse Watson (I met Muse when attending the Gideon Media Arts Festival [thank you Michelle Wier]. Like Mark Harmon, Muse is the atypical Hollywood actor. Both men are genuine and don’t present a facade. We chatted and he graciously accepted a copy of Unwritten, and noted his part in the writing process.)
Lt. Chad Mason- Joshua Jackson
Lt. Harry Ashby – Michael Rosenbaum