Ever have those days where it feels like no matter what you do, nothing seems to happen like it should? Oh yeah, me too.
I’m supposed to be writing a novel that is due out next October. It’s a Christmas romance, called Pink. I enjoy writing. I enjoy Christmas. So what’s the problem? I have even outlined the novel. I sit down to write and the words do come, but slower than usual for me lately. There are times when I sit down and the words come forth so quickly, I struggle to type them fast enough. I was struck two days ago, when I sat down to write, and nothing came. I sat there and stared into a blank screen. I’m not talking a few words slowly. I mean NOTHING. Eventually, the poor Mac grew tired of waiting on me and turned itself off. The missing element? GOD
I started praying and praising Him. I’ve been struggling with busyness as we all head into the rush of the season. I realized I’ve not been inviting Him into every area, including my thought process for writing as of late. I know better than this. My mind has been on my feelings and schedules, not on His promises and my faith in those promises. He’s given me much success with three novels. I’ve let my own irritation at yet another review for Kissing Hollywood, by a self-confessed atheist, color my creative process for writing. (Yes, each review really does count on Amazon and Goodreads.) I got off to myself and prayed, realizing through His gentle voice that I must be doing something right for the enemy to be using people to try and sway me from writing Christian fiction. Afterward, I returned to my desk, my resolve to put Him into every book I write only grew.
Before I write the next sentence on the new chapter, I will start with praise and prayer. I cannot do anything without His help, but through Him I can do all things. (Philippians 4:13) If I seek Him first in ALL things, not just when it’s convenient, but each thing, He will meet me where I am and equip me. He knows what we have need of before we ask, but still He wants to know, out of our mouth, what are desires, dreams, and needs are. Are you seeking God first in all things?
Thank you, Father, for your loving correction and Your mercy.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33
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Thank you for this meditation as the season of Thanksgiving is upon us. May you and yours be richly blessed. Amen.
Thank you, Dawn. And to you. Amen.